Here at Next Move Homes Norfolk, we are accredited by SafeAgent. In this 5 minute read we explain what tenants can expect by choosing an accredited SafeAgent.

The first step in safeguarding your future tenancy is to find a property to rent through a letting agent. A good way to ensure that you do this is to look for the sign that the firm is accredited by safeagent. Agents commit to the service standards outlined below and will advise you about the associated costs of renting a property.
Before you rent:-
Have provided advice to the landlord concerning any repairs or refurbishments which are necessary to put the property into a fit state for letting.
Ensure that you are provided with copies of safety certificates on gas and electrical appliances before you commit to the tenancy.
Have advised the landlord of your rights and responsibilities as a tenant.
Advise you on the necessity of arranging insurance cover for your personal possessions. You may well also be advised to have in place accidental damage cover for any of the landlord’s property.
Go with you to view unoccupied property where appropriate.
If instructed by the landlord, request identification from you. Before the start of a new tenancy all occupiers ages 18 and over will be asked for identification to check they can legally rent a residential property in England
Be expected by the landlord to take up appropriate references and check on payment history if you have rented a property previously
Provide details (a ‘schedule’) of the condition of the property plus a list of its contents and agree it with you
Require a deposit from you & will explain the basis on which it is being held & the purpose for which it is required
Confirm that your deposit will be held in a separate Client’s Account
Provide you with details of utility providers and the Local Authority in the area in order that you can arrange for accounts to be set up in your name.
Protect the deposit with one of the Statutory Tenancy Deposit Schemes, if requested to do so by the landlord.
Before your tenancy:-
Have already been working to ensure certain service standards are met.
You can be sure the property will have undergone all required safety checks on furnishings, and gas and electrical services.
Your rights and responsibilities will be clearly explained, and you will have an informed and professional response to any queries you may have before or during your tenancy.
During your tenancy:-
Have already been working to ensure certain service standards are met. You can be sure the property will have undergone all required safety checks on furnishings, and gas and electrical services. Your rights and responsibilities will be clearly explained, and you will have an informed and professional response to any queries you may have before or during your tenancy.
Arrange with you in advance a time for access to the property in order to inspect the condition of the property in accordance with the tenancy agreement.
Respond to your requests for maintenance or repairs which might in some cases have to be referred to the landlord for approval.
Respond promptly to your queries.
End of your tenancy:-
Serve you with the correct period of notice as set out in the tenancy agreement.
Arrange to check the condition of the property and draw up a schedule to outline any deductions to be made from your initial deposit.
Return your deposit to you as soon as possible, less any appropriate deductions.
(Note: If the agent is not employed to manage the property you will have been provided with contact details of the landlord).
Source SafeAgent June2023
If you would like any further information or have any questions, please contact Next Move Homes Norfolk on 01603 536719.